Ei god ordkløyving gjer livet verdt å leva - *A good discussion prolongs the life*
Transfered from old blogsite (publ 1/3/2006)
Som nyvald medlem (frå Aurdal historielag) i Nord-Aurdal bygdeboknemnd har eg freista halde meg oppdatert på meldingslistene på nettet der ein kan finna spørsmål eller kommentarar frå etterkomarar til utvandra Nord-Aurdøler. Tidleg på nyåret starta moroa:
NorwayList comment:
From: Oldiad@aol.com Subject: Nord Aurdal book Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 00:15:54 EST
Hi All I recieved my volume 1 Nord Aurdal book. a lot of the data is 1900 -2000. I Didn't find any old material that I didn't all ready have and can't find my relatives listed at the farms that they are suppose to be at. I'm confused and disappointed. All the other books I have which is over 50 bygdeboks take me back 2-3 hundred years. the three Saltdal books and the 6 Gol books are put together so well, you can zip right through your pedigree. I know it's difficult but these books are very expensive and if we can't do our research then we better hire people instead of buying the books. I just wanted you all to know that this book is more beneficial to the norwegian then it is to us genealogist. I was expecting the old data first then they could do an update with the present stuff.
Jan 03 – 2006 (First ansver to Oldiad) Please give us more background info on why you are so disappointed - On which farms in Skrautvål do you miss information, which relatives are not listed, what "old material" are you refering to ? Your comment will of course be brought to the authors as soon as possible, but I would like more clarification from you. I expect you understand that there have been people born in Skrautvål even after your foreparents left this district, and to document 'yesterday' - will be history, and more important in the years to come.. Greetings Ola Helge Fløene (member of Nord-Aurdal Bygdebook board)
Oldiad’s answer Jan 04 2006:
In a message dated 1/3/2006 1:31:09 AM Pacific Standard Time, vkdata@online.no writes: The ancestors I am looking for are Anne Hansdatter Gladem born 1814... He father was Hans Olson Gladem Anders Olson Gigstad born Mar 1765 wife Beret Andresdatter born 1765 son Ole Anderson Brænden born 1807 wed Anne (Above 29 Nov 1840) They came to America in 1862 with their children Berit 1841 Anders 1843 Kari 1845 Marit 1848 Halvor 1851 Ole 1855 Knud 1858 I have the children data , I need the information parents and grand parents. This family lived in Dane county, Perry Twp, Wisc.... I have send this information many times to the museum and asked them to find someone I could pay to help...I started this genealogy in 1975 and this is all the further I have gotten I have the 3 Etnedal, 4 Sor Aurdal, 3 Vang 1 Vestre Slidre The family maybe in Etnedal A-page 270 Bergsbakkeige
My answer: Jan 06 2006:
Dianna Thank you for explaining which ancestors you are looking for. Anne Hansdatter Gladem born 1814... Page 411 left coloumn under farm Glaishagin : Hans Bjødnsson from Bergsbakkeige farm# 30 in Etnedal..... Daughter Anne born 1815. She had the daughter Marit (Olsdotter) born out of wedlock in 1839 - with Ola Olsson from Brøta under Ranei, look further under Gøflebakke farm# 13/14 [page 437 left coloumn] Anne married 1840 to Ola Andrisson Brenn, look at Jyllandsbrenn farm# 32... [quote from book} Anders Olson Gigstad born Mar 1765 wife Beret Andresdatter born 1765 and son Ola born 1807 will be written about under Jyllandsbrenn, farm# 32 [will be in next book, Raneisbygdé, Garlibygdé,border areas to Steinsetbygdé, Leira north of Leirelva and Fagernes south of Neselva] [enclosed as Diana.jpg] As far as I can see the Glaé people you are refering to are written about in the book, under the main farm [Glae] you have referenced. The farms in Skrautvølsåsen, on the border with what later became Etnedal are mainly occupied by Skrautvål-people, but Anders Olsson has no direct reference to the main farm Gista. Sonja Innselset, who is responsible for the 'early' farm-history, writes in a mail to me today: <> I have got another mail, from the US, with the opinion you are judging before all evidence is heard..... (I'm not refering to the Knut Hildals comment) Let's hope your 'blowout' on NorwayList won't keep Americans with Nord-Aurdal roots from reading/buying the "Gard og Bygd i Nord-Aurdal. (It's not that easy to find a 'Red Adair' on short notice)
besthels Ola Helge
Oldiad’s reply Jan 06 21:35
In a message dated 1/6/2006 12:00:39 AM Pacific Standard Time, vkdata@online.no writes: Let's hope your 'blowout' on NorwayList won't keep Americans with Nord-Aurdal roots from reading/buying the "Gard og Bygd i Nord-Aurdal. (It's not that easy to find a 'Red Adair' on short notice) besthels If we Americans are unable to do our genealogy then what use are the books to us? The book is very nice for the Norwegians in Norway ..I thought you may like some feedback from someone that has 55 bygdebok and a person who has done Norwegian for 35 year..... Count the pages that contain 1900 material and the ones before 1900.
Oldiad’s reply Jan 07 01:12
All the time I'm looking for Hans Olson I did find Hans Bjørnson not Bjødnsson (I've never seen this spelling before.) born 1790 at Bergssbakkeige page 270 in Etnedal at Hiei on page 390 in Etnedal. Parents are Bjørn Jensson and Gjerstad Evensdatter I hope this is the correct information for this part of the family Do you see now why all the confusion. I was given the wrong information...then the names are spelled different Now I have to wait for the next book...When will that be ????? Dianna
My (up til now) last sword thrust (keyboard thrust ??)
You write .............I thought you may like some feedback from someone that has 55 bygdebok and a person who has done Norwegian for 35 year.
Once upon the time, (and this is no start of fairy tale, but documentable truth ,abt 1967) there were 3 'highschools' ..and 3 headmasters in Leira, [Måno} . It came to a very strong argument among these headmasters who were the Master among equals. One of them wrote in an article in the local newspaper ("Valdres") : "You don't need to argue with me, because I have 90 exams, and I was even excused from Christian History !" After an outburst like this, this headmaster was by a great deal of the Valdres-population looked upon like the person standing beside the 'customs-officer' praying in the Temple .... [Gospel of Luke 18:9-14] '
feedback' can of course be interpreted in many ways. There are 'black lies, white lies, statistics, acid comments , objective critisism and many more. My first opinion reading your contribution on NorwayList was that it did not fall into the 'objective' category, and could scare those who would benefit from reading/buying the book away. The ValdresList would in my opinion also have been a more correct place to discuss this theme. I have to admit that my first 'draft' to make the final comment in my last mail was quite a bit more 'spiced' than the one you recived. But I put a night between writing ;;; and pressing the SEND-button, and the diplomat inside me (the small white one with wings) asked me to overhear my darker side, and I moderated my statement ! An example to follow ???? In Valdres-dialect we say : "Dæ æ kji lett o truge ain valdris, men'n æ lett o låkke" [It's not easy to force a Valdris, but it's much easier to tempt him] .
This brings me to your last statement : "Count the pages that contain 1900 material and the ones before 1900" -. This kind of "millimeter-justice" leads nowhere, and I will probably let my ruler rest. Your 'number of pages' tells more about the development of the farms in our area then that the authors have overfocused on 'modern history'. From time to time in our lives we unwrap another content in our packages then we expected. This Christmas some child probably had wished for a 'GameBoy', but the package contaides a pair of handmade mittens. This child would probably feel anger and frustration in the beginning, but on a cold day after NewYear, maybee the mittens will come out handy ???? It's my humble opinion that we will not come closer to an agreement continuing this discussion, but if you in the future will pay a visit to Valdres, get in touch (without sharpened knives), and I will think that we trough a conversation might find that we in most ways might understand each others views. To your second comment: Now I have to wait for the next book...When will that be ????? It's a matter of money. If they sell enough of the first book to cover printing expences and salary to the authors, the Vol B will be ready before Christmas 2006. In fact, it's a 'hand to mouth' situation...... (Another reason why we don't want buyers scared away from the sales desks! )
Friendly greeting Ola Helge in Åbjør
(the Valdris who this time presses the SEND button fast, but could not resist the temptation)
Posted by vkdata at 12:01 AM CET
Som nyvald medlem (frå Aurdal historielag) i Nord-Aurdal bygdeboknemnd har eg freista halde meg oppdatert på meldingslistene på nettet der ein kan finna spørsmål eller kommentarar frå etterkomarar til utvandra Nord-Aurdøler. Tidleg på nyåret starta moroa:
NorwayList comment:
From: Oldiad@aol.com Subject: Nord Aurdal book Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 00:15:54 EST
Hi All I recieved my volume 1 Nord Aurdal book. a lot of the data is 1900 -2000. I Didn't find any old material that I didn't all ready have and can't find my relatives listed at the farms that they are suppose to be at. I'm confused and disappointed. All the other books I have which is over 50 bygdeboks take me back 2-3 hundred years. the three Saltdal books and the 6 Gol books are put together so well, you can zip right through your pedigree. I know it's difficult but these books are very expensive and if we can't do our research then we better hire people instead of buying the books. I just wanted you all to know that this book is more beneficial to the norwegian then it is to us genealogist. I was expecting the old data first then they could do an update with the present stuff.
Jan 03 – 2006 (First ansver to Oldiad) Please give us more background info on why you are so disappointed - On which farms in Skrautvål do you miss information, which relatives are not listed, what "old material" are you refering to ? Your comment will of course be brought to the authors as soon as possible, but I would like more clarification from you. I expect you understand that there have been people born in Skrautvål even after your foreparents left this district, and to document 'yesterday' - will be history, and more important in the years to come.. Greetings Ola Helge Fløene (member of Nord-Aurdal Bygdebook board)
Oldiad’s answer Jan 04 2006:
In a message dated 1/3/2006 1:31:09 AM Pacific Standard Time, vkdata@online.no writes: The ancestors I am looking for are Anne Hansdatter Gladem born 1814... He father was Hans Olson Gladem Anders Olson Gigstad born Mar 1765 wife Beret Andresdatter born 1765 son Ole Anderson Brænden born 1807 wed Anne (Above 29 Nov 1840) They came to America in 1862 with their children Berit 1841 Anders 1843 Kari 1845 Marit 1848 Halvor 1851 Ole 1855 Knud 1858 I have the children data , I need the information parents and grand parents. This family lived in Dane county, Perry Twp, Wisc.... I have send this information many times to the museum and asked them to find someone I could pay to help...I started this genealogy in 1975 and this is all the further I have gotten I have the 3 Etnedal, 4 Sor Aurdal, 3 Vang 1 Vestre Slidre The family maybe in Etnedal A-page 270 Bergsbakkeige
My answer: Jan 06 2006:
Dianna Thank you for explaining which ancestors you are looking for. Anne Hansdatter Gladem born 1814... Page 411 left coloumn under farm Glaishagin : Hans Bjødnsson from Bergsbakkeige farm# 30 in Etnedal..... Daughter Anne born 1815. She had the daughter Marit (Olsdotter) born out of wedlock in 1839 - with Ola Olsson from Brøta under Ranei, look further under Gøflebakke farm# 13/14 [page 437 left coloumn] Anne married 1840 to Ola Andrisson Brenn, look at Jyllandsbrenn farm# 32... [quote from book} Anders Olson Gigstad born Mar 1765 wife Beret Andresdatter born 1765 and son Ola born 1807 will be written about under Jyllandsbrenn, farm# 32 [will be in next book, Raneisbygdé, Garlibygdé,border areas to Steinsetbygdé, Leira north of Leirelva and Fagernes south of Neselva] [enclosed as Diana.jpg] As far as I can see the Glaé people you are refering to are written about in the book, under the main farm [Glae] you have referenced. The farms in Skrautvølsåsen, on the border with what later became Etnedal are mainly occupied by Skrautvål-people, but Anders Olsson has no direct reference to the main farm Gista. Sonja Innselset, who is responsible for the 'early' farm-history, writes in a mail to me today: <> I have got another mail, from the US, with the opinion you are judging before all evidence is heard..... (I'm not refering to the Knut Hildals comment) Let's hope your 'blowout' on NorwayList won't keep Americans with Nord-Aurdal roots from reading/buying the "Gard og Bygd i Nord-Aurdal. (It's not that easy to find a 'Red Adair' on short notice)
besthels Ola Helge
Oldiad’s reply Jan 06 21:35
In a message dated 1/6/2006 12:00:39 AM Pacific Standard Time, vkdata@online.no writes: Let's hope your 'blowout' on NorwayList won't keep Americans with Nord-Aurdal roots from reading/buying the "Gard og Bygd i Nord-Aurdal. (It's not that easy to find a 'Red Adair' on short notice) besthels If we Americans are unable to do our genealogy then what use are the books to us? The book is very nice for the Norwegians in Norway ..I thought you may like some feedback from someone that has 55 bygdebok and a person who has done Norwegian for 35 year..... Count the pages that contain 1900 material and the ones before 1900.
Oldiad’s reply Jan 07 01:12
All the time I'm looking for Hans Olson I did find Hans Bjørnson not Bjødnsson (I've never seen this spelling before.) born 1790 at Bergssbakkeige page 270 in Etnedal at Hiei on page 390 in Etnedal. Parents are Bjørn Jensson and Gjerstad Evensdatter I hope this is the correct information for this part of the family Do you see now why all the confusion. I was given the wrong information...then the names are spelled different Now I have to wait for the next book...When will that be ????? Dianna
My (up til now) last sword thrust (keyboard thrust ??)
You write .............I thought you may like some feedback from someone that has 55 bygdebok and a person who has done Norwegian for 35 year.
Once upon the time, (and this is no start of fairy tale, but documentable truth ,abt 1967) there were 3 'highschools' ..and 3 headmasters in Leira, [Måno} . It came to a very strong argument among these headmasters who were the Master among equals. One of them wrote in an article in the local newspaper ("Valdres") : "You don't need to argue with me, because I have 90 exams, and I was even excused from Christian History !" After an outburst like this, this headmaster was by a great deal of the Valdres-population looked upon like the person standing beside the 'customs-officer' praying in the Temple .... [Gospel of Luke 18:9-14] '
feedback' can of course be interpreted in many ways. There are 'black lies, white lies, statistics, acid comments , objective critisism and many more. My first opinion reading your contribution on NorwayList was that it did not fall into the 'objective' category, and could scare those who would benefit from reading/buying the book away. The ValdresList would in my opinion also have been a more correct place to discuss this theme. I have to admit that my first 'draft' to make the final comment in my last mail was quite a bit more 'spiced' than the one you recived. But I put a night between writing ;;; and pressing the SEND-button, and the diplomat inside me (the small white one with wings) asked me to overhear my darker side, and I moderated my statement ! An example to follow ???? In Valdres-dialect we say : "Dæ æ kji lett o truge ain valdris, men'n æ lett o låkke" [It's not easy to force a Valdris, but it's much easier to tempt him] .
This brings me to your last statement : "Count the pages that contain 1900 material and the ones before 1900" -. This kind of "millimeter-justice" leads nowhere, and I will probably let my ruler rest. Your 'number of pages' tells more about the development of the farms in our area then that the authors have overfocused on 'modern history'. From time to time in our lives we unwrap another content in our packages then we expected. This Christmas some child probably had wished for a 'GameBoy', but the package contaides a pair of handmade mittens. This child would probably feel anger and frustration in the beginning, but on a cold day after NewYear, maybee the mittens will come out handy ???? It's my humble opinion that we will not come closer to an agreement continuing this discussion, but if you in the future will pay a visit to Valdres, get in touch (without sharpened knives), and I will think that we trough a conversation might find that we in most ways might understand each others views. To your second comment: Now I have to wait for the next book...When will that be ????? It's a matter of money. If they sell enough of the first book to cover printing expences and salary to the authors, the Vol B will be ready before Christmas 2006. In fact, it's a 'hand to mouth' situation...... (Another reason why we don't want buyers scared away from the sales desks! )
Friendly greeting Ola Helge in Åbjør
(the Valdris who this time presses the SEND button fast, but could not resist the temptation)
Posted by vkdata at 12:01 AM CET
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