Laurdag 3. desember - i Skagerak:
De treng ikkje ha nokon otte for meg om de ikkje finn daglege oppdateringar på bloggen. Ei «skrivesperre» kan ha mange årsaker.
Dedsse linene vert starta på ferjekaia i Hirtshals. Ferja frå Kristiansand har nett opna portane. Små bilar, store bilar, Transport frå ein stad til ein annan skaper viktige knutepunkt kringom i mange lokalsamfunn.
No var det korkje samferdslepolitikk eller transporthistorie eg har planer om å ta for meg i denne ‘midtpådagsepistelen’ – dette vert ei stutt oppsummering frå dei seinaste dagane for lesarane mine.
Sist eg skreiv sat eg på hotellrommet i Praha. Neste dag var Praha – Dresden fyrste transportetappe. Knut Joachim gav meg, laurdagen før utreise, ei forteljing om si fyrste reise inn i «die Zone» - attende i 1956. Han hadde òg med foreldra sine, og mor hans var fødd og hadde barne- og ungdomstida si i Dresden. … Jau då, Knut Joachim, eg har lagt
nokre bilete frå Dresden ut på Picasasida.
Det vart sjølvsagt Frauenkirche og dei næraste områda ikring ein har tid til å rusla gjennom på eit stutt opphald. Inne i kyrkja fekk vi oppleve velkomst med skriftlesing, ei lita orientering om kyrkja – og brått starta eik kor å syngje … det verka heilt improvisert, men var profesjonellt utført. Dei gav oss ei bonusoppleving.
I Berlin var det ikkje nettilkopling anna i resepsjonen, så nedskrivinga av opplysningar vart utsett til vi kom til Danmark. – Men etter å ha vore på reisefot fleire dagar på rad, vart prioriteringa endra frå ‘tastaturkjeting’ til prøvesmaking av dansk juleøl. No vonar eg Mjødkallen ikkje hengjer seg opp i dette, og at eg får forlating. Eg trur ikkje det var Ringnesprodusert øl i omlaup i Kolding ein sein torsdagskveld.
Etter ei stutt natt i lun seng (Olav Arne, merk deg uttrykket), byrja siste reisetimane på framand jord.
Etter nærare omtanke er det lenge sidan eg har fare denne leia over Skagerak. Kanskje attende til nyåret 1974, då Eggulf, eg, og den gamle, kvite folkevogna (med flatt batteri) gjorde ymse «Grüne Straßen» til mindre trygge stader å ferdast – medan vi navigerte oss fram til «het Hünebed» i Nederland. --- Berre for at ingen skal tvile: Namnet har ikkje noko å gjera, korkje med heit (varmare enn lun) eller Høneseng !
Dersom de ser godt på bileta frå Praha og Dresden ser det ut som om mest alle av reisefelagane syner meg ryggsida. Eg har ikkje tolka dette som noko avvising (utstøyting or flokken). Sjå det heller frå synsstaden at eg er den uskikkelege eleven som gjev «blanke» i viktig info gjeve av guiden – er meir konsentrert om eigne særinteresser, enn om pensum ! [Gamal vane er vond å vende]
Her i Hirtshals greidde ein med god hjelp av Risdal Touring sine omgjengelege og trivelege hjelpesmenn å få
heile flokken til å stå oppstilt med nasen vend mot sør, men etter 5 sekund var atter uro kome inn i rekkjene. Vonar i alle fall eitt av bileta kan vera til glede for nokon.
Når vi kjem til Kristiansand, bed eg ‘velleva’ med resten av reisefylgjet. – No er det 35 år sidan sist eg melde meg på noko gruppereise. For eigen del vart dette ei triveleg oppleving – ha tid til å observera endringar dei stadane eg før har vore, få høve til å treffe ‘gamle’ kjenningar - og gjera ei førjulsveke litt annleis enn ho hadde vore dersom eg hadde halde meg heime!
De hugsar kanskje historia om «Dvergmålet» (ekko) – og mannen og kona som var usamde om dei skulle takka ja til ein gjestebodsinvitasjon. Dei kunne semjast om at «dvergmålet» fekk ta avgjerda.
Mannen gjekk fyrst. «Skal eg til gjestebods, eller skal eg bli heime», skreik han.
–HEIME, svara dvergmålet.
Så vart det kona sin tur. «Skal eg vera heime, eller skal eg til gjestebods», gnellde ho i.
«Til Gjestebods» kom dvergmålet att. …
Som ein ropar i skogen, får ein svar … Av og til kan det synast som ei stor gruppe som driv undervising har gløymt denne viktige læresetningen.
Når det gjeld tankerekkja i slutten av fyrste bloggen frå denne reisa – om kva slag folk ein er saman med, er ei knapp veke eit ynkeleg grunnlag for nokon konklusjon. Eg har i alle fall kome til eit anna svar enn Heimevernsbefalet som var på kurs på Torpomoen. Han vart med nokre andre ned til ‘Pers Hotell’ i Gol,. Morgonen etter gav lite svemn og kraftig skallebank opphav til desse orda «Eg fall blant låke kameratar»
Eg har tvertom - hatt gleda av å falla blant
trivelege menneskje.
Takk til dei !----------------
Saturday 3 December - in the Skagerrak:
You don’t need to be afraid if you can’t find daily updates on the blog. A "writer's block" can have many causes.
The creation of these lines will be starts at the ferry pier in Hirtshals. The ferry from Kristiansand has just open the gates. Small cars, big cars, transport from one location to another creates important hubs in many communities.
No, it is neither communication policy or transportation history I have plans to bring into this 'in the middle of the day' thoughts - this will be a short summary from the late most days for my readers.
Last I wrote, I sat in my hotel room in Prague. Next day the distance Prague – Dresden will be the first transport stage. Knut Joachim gave me Saturday before departure, a story about his first journey into "die Zone" - back in 1956. He travelled with his parents. - His mother was born and raised in Dresden. ... Well then, Knut Joachim, I have added some pictures from Dresden on the Picasa page.
It is, of course, the Frauenkirche and the neighborhood one has time to wander through on a short stay. Inside the church we were welcomed by a short reading from the Psalms, got some information about the church - and suddenly we heard a choir singing ... it seemed entirely improvised, but it was professionally done. They gave us a bonus experience.
In Berlin, there was no internet connection except in the reception, so the revelation of information was postponed until arrival in Denmark. - But having been on the road several days in a row, my priorities changed from 'tickling the keyboard' to the tasting of the Danish Christmas beer.
No. I hope the “Chief of Beer” in DNSMHOK don’t feel too bad about this, and that I willhave abandonment. I do not think it was possible to obtain beer produced in ‘Ringnes Brewery’ in the Kolding area this late Thursday night.
After a short night in a cozy, began last part of the journey on foreign soil.
After further consideration, it is long time since I've crossed the Skagerrak between Kristiansand and Hirtshals. - Maybe back to the beginning of 1974, when Eggulf, I, and the old, white VolksWagen (with a flat battery) made various "Grüne Strassen" to less safe places to walk - as we navigated our way to "het Hünebed" in the Netherlands. --- Have NO doubt: The name has nothing to do, either with ‘hot’ (hotter than warm) or ‘Chicken bed’!
If you take a good look good at my pictures from Prague and Dresden, it seems as if most all of the fellow passengers are showing me their “back side”. I do not interpret this as any rejection (exclusion from the herd). See it either from the point of view that I am the naughty pupil who gives "a damn" in the important information given by the guide – and .. is more focused on my own special interests, than about reading! [The old habits are hard to break]
Here in Hirtshals, I managed, with good use of Risdal Touring’s pleasant helpers (Driver and host) to get the whole herd to be lined up with the nose facing the south, but after 5 seconds the unrest arrived among the travellers. Hope at least one of the images can be for the benefit of anyone.
When we arrive in Kristiansand, I beg 'farewell' to the rest of the company.
- Now it is 35 years since last I sign up for any group travel. For me this trip was a pleasant experience – I got the time to observe changes in places I have visited before, and been given the opportunity to meet 'old' acquaintances - and do a “pre X-mas week” a bit different than it had been if I had kept inside the home in Åbjør!
One may remember the story of the "Dwarf call" (echo) - about the husband and wife who disagreed whether they should accept an invitation for a party. They made an agreement that the "dwarf goal" ought to make their decision.
The man went first. "Shall I to the feast, or should I stay at home," he screamed.
Saturday 3 December - in the Skagerrak:
You don’t need to be afraid if you can’t find daily updates on the blog. A "writer's block" can have many causes.
The creation of these lines will be starts at the ferry pier in Hirtshals. The ferry from Kristiansand has just open the gates. Small cars, big cars, transport from one location to another creates important hubs in many communities.
No, it is neither communication policy or transportation history I have plans to bring into this 'in the middle of the day' thoughts - this will be a short summary from the late most days for my readers.
Last I wrote, I sat in my hotel room in Prague. Next day the distance Prague – Dresden will be the first transport stage. Knut Joachim gave me Saturday before departure, a story about his first journey into "die Zone" - back in 1956. He travelled with his parents. - His mother was born and raised in Dresden. ... Well then, Knut Joachim, I have added some pictures from Dresden on the Picasa page.
It is, of course, the Frauenkirche and the neighborhood one has time to wander through on a short stay. Inside the church we were welcomed by a short reading from the Psalms, got some information about the church - and suddenly we heard a choir singing ... it seemed entirely improvised, but it was professionally done. They gave us a bonus experience.
In Berlin, there was no internet connection except in the reception, so the revelation of information was postponed until arrival in Denmark. - But having been on the road several days in a row, my priorities changed from 'tickling the keyboard' to the tasting of the Danish Christmas beer.
No. I hope the “Chief of Beer” in DNSMHOK don’t feel too bad about this, and that I willhave abandonment. I do not think it was possible to obtain beer produced in ‘Ringnes Brewery’ in the Kolding area this late Thursday night.
After a short night in a cozy, began last part of the journey on foreign soil.
After further consideration, it is long time since I've crossed the Skagerrak between Kristiansand and Hirtshals. - Maybe back to the beginning of 1974, when Eggulf, I, and the old, white VolksWagen (with a flat battery) made various "Grüne Strassen" to less safe places to walk - as we navigated our way to "het Hünebed" in the Netherlands. --- Have NO doubt: The name has nothing to do, either with ‘hot’ (hotter than warm) or ‘Chicken bed’!
If you take a good look good at my pictures from Prague and Dresden, it seems as if most all of the fellow passengers are showing me their “back side”. I do not interpret this as any rejection (exclusion from the herd). See it either from the point of view that I am the naughty pupil who gives "a damn" in the important information given by the guide – and .. is more focused on my own special interests, than about reading! [The old habits are hard to break]
Here in Hirtshals, I managed, with good use of Risdal Touring’s pleasant helpers (Driver and host) to get the whole herd to be lined up with the nose facing the south, but after 5 seconds the unrest arrived among the travellers. Hope at least one of the images can be for the benefit of anyone.
When we arrive in Kristiansand, I beg 'farewell' to the rest of the company.
- Now it is 35 years since last I sign up for any group travel. For me this trip was a pleasant experience – I got the time to observe changes in places I have visited before, and been given the opportunity to meet 'old' acquaintances - and do a “pre X-mas week” a bit different than it had been if I had kept inside the home in Åbjør!
One may remember the story of the "Dwarf call" (echo) - about the husband and wife who disagreed whether they should accept an invitation for a party. They made an agreement that the "dwarf goal" ought to make their decision.
The man went first. "Shall I to the feast, or should I stay at home," he screamed.
at Home, answered the dwarf call.
Then there was his wife's turn. "Shall I be at home, or should I go to the feast," she yelled….
To the Feast" came dwarf call back ...
“As you shout into the woods, you get an answer” [
Norwegian proverb] ... Sometimes it seems that a large group engaged in teaching have forgotten this important doctrine.
When it comes to my philosophy in the end of the first blog from this trip - about what kind of people one is in company with, a week gives a short basis for any conclusion. I have certainly come to a different response than the Home Guard officer who were on seminar in Torpomoen. He was with some other fellows down to 'Pers Hotel' in Gol. Next morning, after a bad sleep and powerful headace, he uttered this conclution: - "I fell among bad comrades"
I have, on the contrary - had the pleasure of falling among pleasant people. My thanks to them!